Bästa födelsedagsersättningsmiddagen med hipsterfrun, Vi försökte hitta ringar till oss – hon vill ha plast, jag enkel plain silver. Snygga är vi hur som – årets understatement. Sen drack vi Argentinskt rödtjut och kollade på “Dalston superstars” igen, ultimata hipstersåpan! Gillar vi mitt Beyoncé barr?
Godnatt/ K
Spent the evening looking like Beyoncé (hair-wise) and eating alot of awesome food with my hipster wifey. Re-watched “Dalston superstars” aswell – need to get that language going. “Hashtag FAIL” haha! This is one (or sometimes two) photo an hour as a testament of an magical evening with one of my best ladies. She means the world to me.